My obsession with rainbow food started 2 years ago. I was looking for a fun recipe for a birthday cake and I stumbled upon my first rainbow food. It was a cake. I posted the recipe on my friend’s wall and we joked about making it and a few months later, for my 24th birthday, she made me a Rainbow cake.

It may not have turned out perfect but it made me happy.

Recently I’ve started discovering more and more rainbow food recipes and as I plan my next move (i.e. trying to make one of them) here’s a list of my favorite ones.


Rainbow cake

Visit Whisk Kid’s blog for the cake recipe

Rainbow layered jello

Visit the food librarian’s blog for the jello recipe

Layered jello eggs

Visit Chose to thrive for the  jello recipe

Layered cookies

Visit Chose to thrive for the cookie recipe

Have a colorful day!